We just completed a large, rush, custom order. We went from scratch, from concept through formulation through samples and revisions and tweaking and finalizing, through ordering and receiving supplies, recruiting help, 4 stages of manufacture, and finally, delivery of 500 items...all in two weeks!
I don't know whether to pat myself on the back or slap myself upside the head! We did it! And the new product is fabulous! But...Whatever was I thinking? Caught up in the heat of the rush, someone else's timetable, no questions asked, we just dove in.
It was a wild ride. Mistakes were made. No doubt about it. Time, effort and money were wasted, sad but true. But, what we've come away with, I'm proud to say, is a template, a real tool, 4 pages long so far, of how to do this next time a custom order comes along. We'll ask the right questions, get the right assurances and approvals, budgets and schedules, that all can work with. Up front. What a concept!
That's what I like about being in business. No mistake goes unturned. All are harvested for that teaching, healing moss. Quicker, cheaper and more effective than going to a school or seminar. It really hits home.
So, bring 'em on, I say. Bring on your custom herbal challenges. We're ready, now, with a list of questions and a clear process. Living and learning. It works for me.